Death list
Chapter one
- wait too long in the hallway before entering Vortigern's room
- let the assassin catch up with you
- run out of the bedroom when assassin is there
Chapter two
- throw down the statue in your bedroom too often
- get spotted by the upstairs guards
- return upstairs
- enter the main hallway
- be seen in the guard room
- climb down the gate without dealing with the guard first
- return to the castle gate without a disguise
- be seen by the guard on top of the cliff
- run into the guard in the city square
- enter the harbor without a disguise
Chapter three
- swim too far out to sea
- attempt to steal a pumpkin from Baum
- attack the Pooka
- lose gambling with the goblins while you don't have any money
- be seen while escaping the goblin camp
- enter the goblin camp (or get caught by their guards) twice
- pick a fight with Morholt
- fail to adequately respond to Morholt's challenges
- hang around in the sorcerer's tower too long, or enter it twice
Chapter four
- run into Geraint in Carbonek
- give yourself away while talking to Iseult
- jump off the cliff in Carbonek, while you don't have the girdle
- get blown off the cliff by the storm
- get caught by the barghest
- run into the goblin camp with the Barghest chasing you
- trap the barghest in the tool shed, then walk back in
Chapter five
- enter Havgan when goblins are present, without disguising yourself
- disguise yourself as a goblin in Midir's store
- disguise yourself as a goblin in the monastery
- enter the monastery while in goblin disguise
- enter the mercenary camp while in goblin disguise
- enter Morholt's camp while in goblin disguise
- enter Carbonek while in goblin disguise
- walk up to Baum while in goblin disguise
- while in disguise, run into Branwyn at the bridge
- remove your disguise in Havgan with goblins present
- after putting the goblins to sleep, return to the village in disguise
Chapter six
- run into the goblin guards in the northwest after liberating Havgan
- enter the goblin camp and wait without showing them the Skull
- don't draw a sword when Rashakk challenges you
- try to fight Rashakk with the dull blade
- lose the battle against Rashakk
- stay in Thierna na Oge after defeating the goblins (alternative ending)
- enter the city square while sneaking into Carbonek at night
- confront Iseult at night, then wait until the guards arrive
- confront Iseult at night, then try to walk away (or towards her)
- return to Iseult's house after robbing her
- confront princess Rhiannon in the castle without showing her the truth gem
- confront the assassin with the truth gem, and make him call the guards
- confront the assassin with the truth gem while your conscience is clean
Chapter seven
- jump off the cliff in Carbonek in rabbit form
- run into the fox
- backtrack (return to the screen you came from) when chased by the fox
- cross the bridge while Ruadh is present
- enter the mercenary camp in rabbit form
- enter Morholt's camp in rabbit form
- enter the goblin camp in rabbit form
- run into the goblin guards in the northwest in rabbit form
- tell Geraint and Paradur that you won't help them (alternative ending)
Chapter eight
- enter the main hallway without distracting the guards
- walk by the apprentice without dealing with her
- enter the guard room
- get spotted by the guards upstairs
- walk down the stairs in the main hallway without distracting the guards
- set fire to the library then wait there
- return to the library after setting the fire
- open the front gate without blocking the guard room
- enter your bedroom with the Barghest, then either leave or wait around
- attack the sorcerer with your sword
- throw the dagger without distracting the sorcerer
- wait too long when confronting the sorcerer