Archmage - Arcadia Magic Item List

    Saron's item list for MooseHead SLED.

    *** WEAPONS ***
    *** Sword ***

    0  3  small sword                   1d5(3)
    5  4  goblin's short sword          -1hit 2d4(5)
    5  8  falchion                      2d4(5)
    6  8  broad sword                   1d10(5)
    7  15 gnome sword                   3d3(6)
    7  3  elven longsword               +1hit 3d3(6)
    7  5  long sword                    2d5(6)
    11 12 steel broadsword (glowing)    +1hit +2dam 2d6(7)
    11 2  commoner's longsword          +1hit +1dam 2d6(7)
    12 20 electrum sword (glowing)      4d3(8)
    12 5  cutlass                       2d7(8)
    13 10 curved scimitar               +3hp 2d7(8)
    16 10 golden scimitar (glowing)     +1wis +1int 3d5(9)
    16 3  extremely sharp and thin swrd +1dex +1hit +3dam 4d3(8)
    16 4  whisper thin rapier (humming) +2dex +1hit 4d2(6)
    16 5  standard issue sword          +1hit +1dam 3d5(9)
    16 7  sabre                         2d8(9) anti-neutral
    16 9  neutralizer                   +1hit +1dam 3d5(9) anti-good anti-evil
    18 100felinus sword                 +1str +1hit +1dam 3d6(10) evil
    19 13 silvery sword (glowing)       +2dex +2dam 4d4(10) two-handed
    19 16 claymore                      -2hit +5dam 4d4(10) two-handed
    21 0  black longsword (glowing)     +2hit +2dam 3d6(10)
    25 10 spark. light. swd (glow)(hum) -1hit +2dam 5d4(12) poison
    26 24 two-handed sword              +2hit +2dam 2d12(13) two-hnd anti-evil
    27 9  shortsword..."nightbringer"   +3hit +3dam 5d4(12) dark anti-gd anti-ev    28 10 rusty claymore                4d7(16) two-handed
    28 20 pitch-black flaming longsword +1hit 2d12(13) flaming vampiric
    28 24 emerald sword                 4d6(14) sharp
    29 14 thin, two-handed sword        +1hit +2dam 2d12(13)
    32 25 holy avenger                  +1hit +6dam 4d6(14)
    33 6  vorpal blade                  +4dam 3d10(16) two-handed
    39 40 the long sword (glowing)      +5hit +5dam 5d6(17) vorp 2-hnd a-gd a-ev    40 5  barnacle encrusted sword      +1con -1str +2hit 3d13(21)
    42 45 hassan's scimitar (humming)   4d10(22) vorpal two-handed bless
    45 1  sabre of the undead -3str -3con -150hp +7hit +7dam 5d6(17) evil nodrop    47 1  sword of greyskull (glw)(hum) +3str +4hit +4dam +25hp bless anti-evil
    *** Exotic ***

    0  10 chessboard                    1d5(3)
    5  15 gnarled staff                 1d9(5)
    5  5  toy boomerang                 2d4(5)
    13 6  rolled white towel            -1dex +3ac 4d5(12)
    14 20 demon claw                    -2hit 2d8(9)
    15 10 hoover vacuum cleaner         4d4(10) two-handed
    17 9  some huge spkd brass knuckles 4d4(10)
    19 7  tit. sting of scorpio (glow)  +3hit +1dam 4d4(10) anti-evil
    20 20 tit. bow of sagittarius(glow) +1hit +3dam 2d9(10) anti-evil
    21 20 strange energy bow(glow)(hum) 4d5(12) bless
    22 10 golden claw                   +1hit +3dam 2d10(11) anti-evil (?)
    24 16 avalanche                     -1hit 1d25(13)
    25 3  etheral blade (glowing)       +1hit +1dam 2d12(13) anti-good
    26 20 lion's paw                    +1con +2hit +2dam 5d4(12)
    27 15 huge crosssbow (glowing)      +1hit +1dam 3d9(15) two-handed
    28 24 rod of weaponry (glowing)     +3hit +3dam 3d12(12) bless
    29 20 great dipper(glw)(hum)(invis) +2hit +2dam 4d6(14) bless
    31 19 red dragon's claw             +2ac +5dam 2d15(16)
    32 8  sacrificial spear (glow)(hum) 8d4(20) vampiric bless
    35 5  accordion                     +1str +1dam +1hp 3d10(16) anti-good
    36 1  demon teeth                   +5hit 7d4(17)
    39 3  short sword of speed          +1dex -1wis +25mv 6d6(21)
    42 20 golden claw (humming)         +3hit +7dam 6d5(18) anti-evil (?)
    *** Mace/Club ***

    0  8  rake                          1d4(2)
    0  8  shovel                        1d5(3)
    5  3  small mining pick             1d9(5) anti-good
    6  3  cracked bone                  -1dam -1hit 3d3(6) stun
    9  1  patrol club                   +3hit +5mv 1d10(5)
    10 100craftsman hammer (glowing)    2d5(7) evil satanic
    10 11 fine mace                     +1hit 2d6(7)
    11 6  lead pipe                     -1hit +1dam 2d6(7)
    12 3  thain's club                  2d7(8)
    12 ?  mithril hammer                +1str +2hit 2d6(7)
    13 16 stone club                    -2hit +1dam 2d8(9) two-handed
    14 3  bashball bat                  +1dam 3d5(8) two-handed
    14 ?  rod of might                  +1str +2hit 2d7(8)
    15 10 morning star                  2d8(9)
    15 12 copper hammer                 3d5(9)
    15 29 huge spiked club              3d5(9)
    15 5  imperial mace                 +2hit +2dam 2d7(8)
    17 3  hammer                        4d4(10)
    17 3  judge's club                  +2dam 2d8(9)
    23 19 massive club                  3d8(13) two-handed
    23 2  police stun stick             2d11(12) shocking
    26 13 huge mithril mace             +2hit +2dam 5d4(12)
    28 22 huge wooden maul              5d5(15)
    28 24 huge mace.."dawnbringer"(glw) +3hit +3dam 4d6(14)2-hnd stun a-evil=a-gd
    29 20 huge morningstar              +2hit +2dam 7d3(14)
    38 55 massive slt-gray sledgehammer -1dex -2hit 4d8(18) anti-good anti-evil
    44 1  electric eraser               +2dam -1int 4d10(22)
    44 10 undead club                   7d6(24) vampiric
    47 7  welding torch                 -5ac(?) +2dam 5d8(22)
    49 3  ionic torque wrench           +4dam +20hp5d8(22) stun
    ?  ?  thunder bolt(glw)(hum)(invis) -1wis +5hit +2dam 7d6(24) shocking
    *** Dagger ***

    1  2  rusty cleaver                 1d6(3)
    5  1  knife                         2d4(5)
    5  1  rune-covered knife            +1hit 2d4(5) anti-evil=7F
    5  1  silver dagger                 2d4(5)
    6  1  shiriff's dagger              +1hit +1dam 2d4(5)
    6  3  silvery knife                 +1hit +1dam 2d4(5)
    8  0  weretiger's claw              +5mana 2d6(7)
    8  1  long slim dagger              +1hit +1dam 2d5(6)
    8  2  long elven dagger (glowing)   +2hit 2d5(6)
    8  2  standard iss dagger (glowing) +1hit +1dam 2d5(6)
    9  0  switchblade                   +2hit 1d12(6)
    9  2  stiletto                      +2ac +4hit 5d2(7)
    11 1  broken bottle                 -2hit 2d7(8)
    11 ?  fountain pen                  3d4(7)
    15 1  obsidian dirk                 +1hit 2d8(9)
    15 1  silvery dagger                +1hit 3d5(9)
    17 ?  sting                         +2dex 2d7(8)
    18 2  vibroblade (glow)(hum)(invis) +1con +1dex +2hit +2dam 3d5(9)
    20 ?  runed chisel (glowing)        +1dex +2dam 3d6(10)
    28 1  icicle (glowing)              -1str +2dam 7d3(14) frost
    29 2  fiery dagger (glowing)        +4dam 5d4(12) flaming
    30 2  spider shaped dagger          +3hit +3dam 4d6(14) anti-good
    30 8  dragon's tooth knife          +1dex +2dam 5d5(15)
    32 4  manes' claws                  +3dam 1d30(15)
    35 2  gypsy dagger                  +10mana +10hp 5d6(17) anti-good
    42 1  sound wave (humming)          +3save +3hit +3dam 4d10(22)
    43 2  hell hound teeth              +2dex 6d6(21) flaming
    43 5  starfish dagger               +1dex +2dam +2save 3d14(22)
    46 3  ebony kris                    6d6(21) +2dex +5dam
    48 6  bloody black talon (glowing)  +3hit +3dam +25mana 4d6(12) vampiric
    *** Polearm ***
    5  50 commoner pitchfork            +2dam 2d5(6)
    10 12 voulge                        -1ac 2d6(7) two-handed
    19 16 huge, wicked-looking scythe   +3hit +3dam 4d4(10) two-handed anti-good nodrop
    22 19 glaive                        +1hit +1dam 5d4(12) two-handed
    24 20 ranseur                       +3hit -1dam 4d6(14) two-handed anti-evil    29 16 halberd                       +2hit +2dam 2d14(15) two-handed
    46 1  guisarme                      +3hit +?dam 4d10(22) two-handed
    *** Spear/Staff ***

    0  6  wooden staff                  1d4(2)
    6  1  orc spear                     1d8(4)
    6  3  awl-pike                      1d10(5)
    10 15 jagged spear                  2d6(7)
    10 6  iron-shod staff               -2save 2d5(6) two-handed
    11 10 long spear                    +1dex +3dam 1d12(6) two-handed anti-good    12 7  long bow (glowing)            +5hp 2d6(7)
    14 5  quarterstaff (from elves)     +1dam 3d5(9) two-handed
    16 5  elven spear (humming)         +2hit 2d8(9) anti-evil
    21 5  quarterstaff (from ?)         +2dam 4d5(12) two-handed
    27 10 gnarled magius staff          +3hit +3dam -2save 5d4(12) two-handed
    29 14 flame lance                   -20hp +2hit 2d15(16) flaming
    34 4  swordfish nose                5d6(17)
    38 3  gypsy staff                   4d9(20) flaming
    45 7  wicked-looking trident        +2hit +2dam +1dex 4d10(22) two-handed
    47 17 unicorn's horn (glowing)      +2dam -6ac 4d10(22) anti-evil
    *** Axe ***

    0  3  toy axe                       1d5(3)
    1  5  hand axe                      1d6(3)
    3  2  small axe                     1d7(4)
    5  9  battle axe                    2d5(6) two-handed
    12 7  war axe                       +1dam 3d4(7)
    17 12 mithril axe (glowing)         +2dam 2d8(9) dark noremove nopurge
    17 5  two-handed dwarven axe        +2str +2hit 2d7(7) two-handed
    31 26 mahn-tor's great axe (humm)   +2hit +2dam 5d5(15)
    35 12 notched axe (invisible)       3d11(18) anti-evil
    35 5  axe of trokia (humming)       -1int +1str +2hit +2dam 7d5(21) sharp
    43 7  circular saw                  -2ac +4hit 6d6(21)
    45 7  photon-d. matrix (glow)(hum)  +4hit +2dam -20mana 15d2(22)
    *** Whip ***
    3  3  bullwhip                      +1hit 1d7(4)
    5  1  wet noodle                    +1int 1d4(2)
    6  2  orc's whip                    1d9(5)
    10 9  comet's tail (glow)(hum)      2d6(7)
    11 1  snake headed whip(glw)(2-hds) +2hit +2dam 2d6(7) two-handed
    15 1  snake headed whip(glw)(3-hds) +2hit +2dam 2d7(8)
    20 10 shock whip                    -2str +3dam 4d5(12)
    24 14 dragon tailed whip            +2hit +2dam 4d5(12) anti-good
    40 5  sea urchin mace               +1wis +2dam 3d12(19)
    *** Flail ***

    3  7  two-headed flail              +1ac +2dam 1d7(4)
    15 50 phased flail (glowing)        3d5(9) anti-good anti-neutral
    29 14 iron barbed flail (humming)   +3hit 5d5(15) evil
    46 6  flail of wonders (glow)(hum)  +4hit +4dam 6d7(24) bless
    *** THINGS WORN ***
    *** Rings ***

    0  1  yellow and green ring         -2str
    0  2  seashell ring                 float over water
    3  1  pink ice ring                 +1str +4hp
    5  1  gold ring                     +10mana
    7  1  dwarven golden ring           +1hit +1dam
    7  1  onyx ring                     +1wis -1ac anti-good
    7  3  carved wooden ring            +1hit +1dam
    7  ?  earth ring                    +1int +1wis
    8  1  ring of protection            -2ac -1save
    8  5  thick marble ring             -2ac
    9  0  orc ring                      +1dam 1p/2b/2d/2m
    10 1  ofcol signet ring             -1ac -1save +5hp
    10 1  troll signet ring             +1str -2ac
    10 2  bat ring                      +15mv
    13 1  studded ring                  +1dam -3ac
    16 1  cityguard signet ring         -4ac -1save
    16 1  imperial city guard ring      -4ac -1save
    20 1  opal ring                     +2dam
    20 3  the one ring                  -1str invisibility
    20 5  small emerald ring            +20mana
    25 ?  ruby ring                     +25hp
    26 3  ring of dignity (hum)(invis)  +2int +25mana anti-evil
    30 2  banded ring (glowing)         +30mana
    31 1  golden ring                   +2hit +30mana
    33 1  engagement ring               -1wis +3dam
    35 1  sapphire ring (invis)         +2wis +3dam anti-evil
    37 1  ring of wizardry (glowing)    +30mana 10p/10b/10s/4m
    40 1  gypsy ring                    +1dam -5ac +2dex +1hp +5save +5mana
    *** Stones ***

    0  1  clear stone                   +3ac
    0  1  dull grey stone               nothing
    0  1  lavender and green stone      -1save
    0  1  pink and green stone          -5hit
    5  1  deep red stone                +1dex
    5  1  incandesent blue stone        +1wis
    5  1  pale blue stone               +1str
    5  1  pearly white stone            +1hp
    5  1  pink stone                    +1con
    5  1  scarlet and blue stone        +1int
    38 1  crystal ball                  +2hit +2dam
    40 1  kaleidiscope stone (glw)(hum) +2dex +15mana
    *** Head ***

    0  1  thick padded turban           +1ac nodrop
    3  2  pair of glasses (glowing)     -1dex +1wis
    3  2  smurf hat                     3p/3b/3s/0m
    5  3  black horned helmet           3p/5b/4s/0m
    5  4  metal helmet                  -1save 4p/4b/3s/2m
    5  4  scale mail coif               3p/4b/4s/0m
    7  4  pair of spectacles            +1int +1wis
    10 5  black leather hood            5p/5b/5s/0m
    10 5  chain mail coif               5p/4b/5s/0m
    10 5  dark horned helmet            -3int +1dam 6p/6b/5s/2m anti-good
    13 10 dirty cloth turban            +1dex +5hp 5p/5b/5s/0m
    15 10 iron crown                    6p/6b/6s/0m
    15 2  pair of wire rimmd spectacles +2int
    15 6  steel helm                    6p/6b/6s/0m
    16 10 brass helm                    +5hp -1save 6p/5b/6s/1m
    16 5  small helmet                  +2int 4p/4b/4s/0m
    16 7  tit. mask of gemini (glowing) +1str +2dex 2p/2b/2s/0m anti-evil nodrop    17 1  spectacles                    +2int +2wis
    18 1  black veil (glowing)          -5hp +10mana 6p/6b/6s/3m anti-good
    18 50 skull of the tiger            +1hit +2dam 4p/4b/4s/1m
    20 15 golden helm and visor (glow)  +1wis +1int 7p/7b/7s/2m anti-ev anti-neu    20 4  commander's helm              +1wis 7p/7b/7s/2m
    20 8  red steel helm and visor      7p/7b/7s/0m
    24 10 kingly crown                  -6ac bless
    24 2  chicago tribune               +3int -30mv 2p/2b/2s/0m
    25 20 silver helm                   +1dex +5mana 8p/8b/8s/2m anti-evil
    25 5  etheral helm (glowing)        8p/8b/8s/4m anti-good
    25 8  blue steel helm and visor     8p/8b/8s/0m
    27 10 mithril helm                  +2hit 8p/8b/8s/m2
    29 15 red dragonhelm                -1dex +2dam +2wis 9p/9b/9s/4m anti-good
    30 1  old helmet                    10p/9b/9s/0m
    30 30 platinum helmet               +2wis +10mana 9p/9b/9s/3m
    31 10 golden mask                   -1save +30mv +10hp +25mana 8p/8b/8s/3m
    31 4  hurricane helmet (humming)    -2save 9p/9b/9s/3m
    32 35 silvery helmet                +3wis 9p/9b/9s/2m
    35 15 helm of dragon kind           +15hp 10p/10b/10s/5m
    35 8  horned minotaur helm          10p/10b/10s/2m
    39 2  kings crown                   -1con +2dam +20mana +5ac burn_proof
    43 2  blond wig                     -1int +2dam 12p/12b/12s/0m
    45 3  crustacean helmet             +2hit -4save 7p/7b/8s/1m
    *** Neck ***

    0  1  golden necklace               -1wis
    0  2  dark blue cloak (glowing)     +6ac
    3  4  stained travelling cloak      2p/3b/4s/0m
    3  5  lamia collar                  3p/3b/3s/0m
    5  15 bloody cloak                  4p/4b/4s/0m
    5  2  amulet                        +1con
    5  2  small necklace (glowing)      +1int
    5  3  golden holy symbol            +10mana
    5  8  bead necklace                 +1hit
    7  10 ornate brooch (invisible)     +1int +1wis
    7  3  brown cloak (from elves)      +1dex 3p/3b/3s/0m
    10 1  strange amulet                -5save (?)
    10 2  holy symbol (glowing)         +15mana
    10 5  dark black cape               5p/5b/5s/0m
    10 5  imperial cloak                5p/5b/5s/0m
    12 3  white cape (glowing)          +1hit 5p/5b/5s/0m
    14 1  shadow cloak                  -30mv 7p/7b/7s/2m
    15 5  thick fur cape                6p/6b/6s/0m
    20 1  elemental amulet (glowing)    -2save
    20 12 bearskin cloak                7p/7b/7s/0m
    20 12 dark green cloak              +5hp 7p/7b/7s/2m anti-good
    20 2  leather cord                  -2save 2p/2b/2s/0m
    20 9  spiked collar                 -2ac +2dam 2p/2b/2s/0m
    20 9  tit. fleece of aries (glow)   -2ac 7p/7b/7s/0m anti-evil
    25 2  diamond brooch                +25mana
    26 5  dark cowl                     -2save -6ac anti-good
    29 7  long grey cloak               -7ac -2save anti-good anti-evil
    29 7  white cloak(from good master) -7ac -2save bless anti-evil anti-neutral    30 3  flame red cape (glowing)      +1dam 9p/9b/9s/3m
    30 5  brooch of life (glowing)      +30hp
    31 20 white cloak (from knight)     -2save 9p/9b/9s/2m bless a-evil a-neu
    35 5  brown cloak (frm mage tower)  -5ac -3save
    40 1  amulet of ra                  +50mana magic invis anti-evil
    ?  ?  silver pendant                -1ac -1mag +1str
    *** Torso *** (some of these might go on body, please let me=

    0  10 leather vest                  1p/2b/2s/0m
    0  7  artist's smock                nothing
    0  8  hard leather jerkin           1p/3b/3s/0m
    4  45 battered iron breast plate    -6hit 5p/5b/5s/0m
    5  14 scale mail jerkin             3p/4b/4s/0m
    5  16 scale mail jacket             3p/4b/4s/0m
    5  2  ogre gang jacket              5p/4b/3s/0m
    5  3  elven chainmail               4p/4b/4s/2m
    5  5  standard issue vest           4p/4b/3s/1m
    5  ?  troll gang jacket             ?
    10 10 disgusting pink plas webbing  5p/5b/5s/4m anti-good anti-neutral
    10 15 cloth wrappings               5p/5b/5s/0m
    10 18 chain mail shirt              5p/4b/5s/0m
    10 3  studded ogre gang jacket      6p/5b/4s/0m
    10 3  studded troll gang jacket     4p/6b/5s/0m
    10 5  heavy leather apron           +10hp 3p/0b/2s/2m
    10 5  imperial chest plate          5p/5b/5s/0m
    10 50 leather apron                 +10hp 3p/0b/2s/2m
    12 3  orc vest                      5p/6b/4s/1m
    15 10 steel breast plate            6p/6b/6s/0m
    15 30 heavy banded mail             6p/6b/6s/0m
    15 45 splint mail vest              6p/6b/6s/0m
    15 50 worn and dented breast plate  6p/6b/6s/0m
    15 6  fur lined tunic               6p/6b/6s/0m
    16 10 brass plate                   -1save +10hp 6p/5b/6s/1m (?)
    16 5  brown robe                    +10mana 6p/6b/6s/0m anti-evil
    20 15 tit. shell of cancer (glow)   -2ac 7p/7b/7s/3m
    20 20 suit of chainmail             5p/8b/7s/0m anti-good
    20 3  pitch black cloak             -2save(also container cap:150# max w:30# w mult 90%)
    20 4  dwarven plate mail            7p/7b/7s/0m
    20 45 beautiful iron brest plate    +1hit 7p/7b/7s/0m
    22 8  suit of spiked garde armor    +2dam 7p/8b/8s/0m
    23 0  banded mail (glowing)         +2dex -4ac p7/b7/s7/m0
    24 25 golden dragonscale torso      +2hit 7p/7b/7s/3m anti-evil
    25 1  old chainmail                 8p/8b/8s/0m
    25 20 silver plate                  +1str +10mana 8p/8b/8s/2m
    25 5  icy white cloak (glowing)     8p/8b/8s/2m
    25 ?  rotting flesh                 8p/8b/8s/0m
    26 30 mithril vest                  +2str +1dam 8p/8b/8s/2m
    27 2  suit of etheral plate (glow)  -2save 8p/8b/8s/4m anti-good
    29 30 red dragon torso              -1dex +2dam 9p/9b/9s/4m anti-good
    30 12 suit of black minotaur chain  +1str +1con 9p/9b/9s/2m
    30 50 platinum plate                +2con +15hp 9p/9b/9s/3m
    30 6  waterfall cloak               +25mana -2hit 9p/9b/9s/2m
    31 1  major globe of inv(glow)(hum) -2save 9p/9b/9s/6m
    31 5  decaying vest                 -2save -6ac 9p/9b/9s/2m=7F
    31 70 stoney breastplate            -2dex +1con 10p/10b/10s/2m
    32 18 gilden gold breast plate(glw) +25hp 9p/9b/9s/3m anti-evil anti-neutral    32 40 silvery breast plate          +3str 8p/8b/8s/2m
    35 4  demonskin                     +1str +1dex +1wis 10p/10b/10s/5m
    35 5  gypsy dress                   -1dex +1int +20mana 9p/9b/9s/5m= a-evil(?)
    35 7  webbed shirt                  -1save +10hp 10p/10b/10s/0m
    37 10 clamshell scale mail          -3save 10p/8b/11s/0m
    37 3  sacred burial robes           +10hp nodrop
    37 9 dragnscale shirt +3dex -5ac 10p/10b/10s/5m
    45 3  yellow jumpsuit               -4save +30mana 6p/6b/6s/12m
    45 4  black jumpsuit (glowing)      +2hit 12p/12b/12s/8m
    47 1  turtle shell                  +2con -4save 12p/10b/11s/2m
    *** Body ***

    0  10 dark black cape               +10ac +10hp 5p/5b/5s/0m
    3  2  standard issue cape           3p/4b/3s/1m
    5  6  black silk robe               +10mana 1p/1b/1s/5m
    7  5  linen robe                    +1wis +5mana 1p/2b/2s/1m
    10 5  imperial cape                 5p/5b/5s/0m
    12 20 troll skin                    +1str 5p/5b/5s/0m
    15 3  silvery cloak                 -1save 6p/6b/6s/2m anti-evil
    15 9  white pelt of a yeti          6p/6b/6s/1m
    16 10 fur cloak                     +1str +10hp 6p/6b/6s/1m
    17 10 golden robe                   +2int 6p/6b/6s/2m anti-evil
    17 4  chameleon poncho              +2dex -3ac
    17 6  leatherneck coat              +2con +1str 5p/5b/5s/0m
    20 15 titanic skin of leo           7p/7b/7s/5m
    22 7  white robe                    -5ac -2save anti-evil anti-neutral burn-proof (also container cap:50# max w:10# w mult 75%)
    22 8  black robe                    -5ac -2save anti-good anti-neutral burn-proof (also container cap:50# max w:10# w mult 75%)
    25 10 woolen robe                   8p/8b/8s/0m
    25 5  icy white cloak (glowing)     8p/8b/8s/2m
    25 9  skin of rakshasa              +1wis +2hit +1dam 7p/7b/7s/4m burn_proof    26 8  grey robe                     -6ac -2save anti-good anti-evil burn-proof (also container cap:50# max w:10# w mult 75%)
    27 1  minor globe of inv (glow)     -2save 8p/8b/8s/4m
    30 6  waterfall cloak               -2hit +25mana 9p/9b/9s/2m
    37 3  sacred robes                  +10hp nodrop
    45 4  mantle of seaweed             +1int -4save +30mana 9p/8b/9s/2m
    *** Arms ***

    5  2  pair of standard iss sleeves  4p/4b/3s/1m
    5  6  pair of scale mail sleeves    3p/4b/4s/0m
    10 4  ivory scale sleeves           +10mana 2p/2b/3s/0m bless anti-neutral
    10 5  imperial plate sleeves        5p/5b/5s/0m
    10 8  pair of chainmail sleeves     5p/4b/5s/0m
    15 0  pair of steel vambraces       6p/6b/6s/0m
    16 10 brass sleeves                 -1save +5hp 6p/5b/6s/1m
    20 12 set of dragonscale sleeves    7p/7b/7s/3m
    20 8  pair of red steel vambraces   7p/7b/7s/0m
    22 10 t. arm plates of herc. (glow) +1str +2dam 6p/6b/6s/0m anti-evil
    25 10 some mithril sleeves          +1hit +1dam 8p/8b/8s/2m
    25 20 silver sleeves                +1hit +5mana 8p/8b/8s/2m
    25 8  pair of blue steel vambraces  8p/8b/8s/0m
    29 40 red dragon arm guards         -1dex +2dam 9p/9b/9s/4m
    30 40 platinum sleeves              +2str +10hp 9p/9b/9s/3m
    30 9  pair of black minotar vambrcs 9p/9b/9s/0m
    32 40 silvery arm plates            +3con 8p/8b/8s/2m
    ?  ?  golden dragonscale sleeves    -10ac -6mag
    *** Wrist ***

    0  1  leather bracer                0p/2b/2s/0m
    3  1  standard issue bracer         2p/4b/4s/1m
    3  5  morris handkerchief           3p/3b/3s/0m
    5  5  imperial metal bracer         3p/5b/5s/0m
    5  8  thick marble bracelet         +1con
    7  1  enchanted leather bracer      +1hit 2p/4b/4s/2m
    10 20 carved bronze bracer          3p/6b/6s/2m
    10 3  bronze bracer                 3p/6b/6s/0m
    12 2  mithril bracers               +1str 4p/6b/6s/2m
    15 1  tit. bracelet of virgo (glow) +2wis anti-evil
    15 10 dragon skin bracelet          6p/6b/6s/3m
    15 3  iron bracer                   4p/7b/7s/2m
    20 1  leather and lace tattoo (hum) +1str +2dam
    20 1  sweaty wristband (humming)    +2dam
    20 10 copper bracelet               +10hp +2dam nodrop
    20 4  elemental bracelet            +20hp
    20 5  emerald bracelet              +1int -5ac
    20 5  glinting silver bracelet      -5ac
    20 5  platinum bracelet             7p/7b/7s/0m
    20 5  white gold bracelet           +2hit
    20 6  onyx bracelet                 +2dam
    35 1  gypsy bracelet (glowing)      -1save +15mana 3p/3b/3s/0m
    *** Hands ***

    5  1  brass knuckles                +1hit 1p/1b/1s/0m
    5  2  pair of reinforced gloves     3p/3b/4s/0m
    7  2  comfortable leather gloves    +1str 4p/3b/4s/0m=7F
    7  1  swordsman's gloves            +1hit +1dam 1p/3b/3s/1m
    10 4  pair of chain mail gauntlets  5p/4b/5s/0m
    14 2  dwarven gloves                +1str +1dex -2ac 5p/5b/5s/0m
    15 1  pair of black lace gloves     5p/5b/5s/5m
    17 2  pair of gauntlets (glowing)   +2str 5p/5b/5s/0m
    17 5  dragon skin gloves            +2dex 6p/6b/6s/3m
    20 10 pair of spiked gauntlets      +1str +2dam 4p/4b/4s/0m
    20 4  pair of red dragon claws      +2dam anti-good
    20 5  ornately designed gauntlets   +1str +1hit +1dam 7p/7b/7s/0m
    22 6  tit. horn of capricorn (glow) +2hit +2dam 4p/4b/4s/0m anti-evil
    23 13 gauntlets of ogre power (hum) +2str +2dam 7p/7b/7s/0m
    25 10 pair of mithril gauntlets     +1hit +1dam 8p/8b/8s/2m
    25 6  pair of minotar combat gloves +1hit +1dam 8p/8b/8s/0m
    27 14 pair of silvery gloves        +2hit +1dam 8p/8b/8s/2m
    27 6  flaming gauntlets (invis)     +25hp 7p/7b/7s/4m anti-evil
    31 40 platinum gauntlets            +10hp +2hit 9p/9b/9s/3m
    *** Waist ***

    0  2  pair of swim trunks           2p/2b/2s/0m
    5  2  standard issue belt           4p/4b/3s/1m
    7  1  morris sash                   3p/3b/3s/0m
    8  2  sword sheathe                 +1str 3p/4b/4s/0m
    10 5  imperial belt                 5p/5b/5s/0m
    16 10 brass girth                   -1save +5hp 6p/5b/6s/1m
    17 25 black silk belt               +2con 6p/6b/6s/2m
    17 25 white silk belt               +2str 6p/6b/6s/2m
    17 4  thain girth                   +2wis 5p/5b/5s/0m
    25 20 silver girth                  +1dam +5mana 8p/8b/8s/2m
    26 6  mithril girth                 +2con 8p/8b/8s/2m anti-evil
    30 9  belt of life                  +3con
    31 10 icy girth                     -2con 10p/10b/10s/3m
    31 40 platinum girth                +10hp -2save 9p/9b/9s/3m
    40 1  belt of nevermor -?str -3con -100hp +3hit +3dam 12p/11b/10s/3m drk evl    ?  4  shark tooth belt              +2dam 7p/9b/9s/0m
    ?  7  titanic belt of orion         +2con 6p/6b/6s/0m anti-evil
    ?  ?  golden dragonscale girth      -10ac -6mag
    *** Shield ***

    0  15 tit. scale of libra (humming) +6ac -30hp 1p/1b/1s/0m nodrop
    3  3  metal shield                  3p/3b/3s/1m
    3  5  small wooden shield           4p/3b/2s/1m
    5  3  small metal shield            4p/4b/4s/1m
    10 10 large metal shield            5p/5b/5s/2m
    13 15 shield of defense             -2ac +10mana +10hp -2hit -1dam= 6p/6b/6s/4m
    13 6  black kite shield             -1save 6p/6b/6s/2m
    16 10 brass shield                  -1ac 6p/5b/6s/2m
    22 18 dragonscale shield            -2save 7p/7b/7s/4m
    23 10 golden dragonscale shield     +1hit 7p/7b/7s/4m
    25 15 tit. scale of libra (glowing) -3ac +5hp 8p/8b/8s/0m anti-evil
    25 20 crested shield                +1con 8p/8b/8s/3m
    25 20 silver shield                 -3ac +5mana 8p/8b/8s/3m
    27 15 shadow shield (glowing)       -2ac -2save 8p/8b/8s/3m anti-gd anti-neu    28 8  electric shield (humming)     -1str +1con 9p/9b/9s/4m
    30 14 huge tower shield (glowing)   9p/9b/9s/3m
    30 60 shield of the rose            -7ac 8p/8b/8s/3m bless anti-evil= anti-neu
    31 40 platinum spiked shield        +10hp +2dam 9p/9b/9s/5m
    31 5  lobster shell shield          +1hit +2dam 9p/10b/9s/0m
    35 10 red dragon shield             +2dam 10p/10b/10s/5m anti-good
    35 5  spiked buckler                +2dam 10p/10b/10s/3m
    46 1  kevlarian shield(glw)(hum)  +5saves +1hit +1dam +20hp 5p/5b/5s/0m= bless
    *** Legs ***

    3  5  morris bells                  3p/3b/3s/0m
    3  8  skirt of ivy                  +1str +2save 4p/4b/4s/0m
    5  0  pair of black leather pants   3p/4b/4s/0m
    5  3  knee pads                     4p/4b/4s/0m
    5  8  long scale mail skirt         3p/4b/4s/0m
    10 10 long chain mail skirt         5p/4b/5s/0m
    14 5  fancy bathing suit            +1hit -10hp 6p/6b/6s/0m
    15 7  pair of steel greaves         6p/6b/6s/0m
    16 10 brass leggings                +5hp -1save 2p/0b/2s/2m
    20 15 dragonscale leggings          +10hp 7p/7b/7s/3m
    20 8  pair of red steel greaves     7p/7b/7s/0m
    21 10 tit. tail of pisces (glowing) -2dex -2ac 8p/8b/8s/0m anti-evil
    22 8  black fishnet stockings       +2hit -2save 4p/4b/4s/0m
    25 10 set of mithril leggings       +1dex +1hit 8p/8b/8s/2m anti-evil
    25 8  pair of blue steel greaves    8p/8b/8s/0m
    28 2  gypsy dancers stockings       +1int +20mana -20mv 7p/7b/7s/3m
    29 17 red dragonscale leggings      -1dex +2dam 9p/9b/9s/4m anti-good
    30 40 platinum leggings             +2dex +10hp 9p/9b/9s/3m anti-evil
    30 9  pair of black minotar greaves 9p/9b/9s/0m
    32 20 pair of sphinxian leggings    +2str +30mv 9p/9b/9s/2m anti-evil
    32 20 silvery leg plates            +3int 8p/8b/8s/2m
    40 9  squid tentacle                +1str 10p/12b/11s/1m
    ?  ?  golden dragonscale leggings   +1hit -17ac -9mag
    *** Feet ***

    0  ?  old boots                     nothing
    5  4  pair of reinforced boots      3p/4b/4s/0m
    5  4  spike heeled boots            -1dex +1dam 3p/3b/3s/0m
    7  3  elven boots                   +5mv 3p/3b/3s/0m
    7  5  fur lined boots               +10mv 3p/3b/3s/1m
    10 5  imperial boots                5p/5b/5s/0m
    10 6  iron-bound boots              5p/4b/5s/0m
    16 10 brass boots                   -1save +5hp 6p/5b/6s/1m
    19 2  pair of white socks           -1hit +2dam
    20 10 tit. hoof of taurus (glow)    +1dam +20mv 3p/3b/3s/0m anti-evil
    20 6  unicorn's hooves (glowing)    +1ac +2hit +2dam 4p/4b/4s/0m
    21 10 golden dragonscale boots      +1hit -3ac 7p/7b/7s/3m anti-evil
    25 5  pair of winged sandals(invis) 8p/8b/8s/4m fly anti-evil
    25 6  mithril boots                 +1dex +1hit 8p/8b/8s/2m
    26 1  wind boots                    +2dex 8p/8b/8s/2m
    29 40 red dragon's rear claws       -1dex +2dam 9p/9b/9s/4m anti-good
    30 5  boots of striding             +30mv 5p/5b/5s/0m
    32 40 platinum boots                +10hp +25mv 9p/9b/9s/3m
    32 40 silvery boots                 +3dex 8p/8b/8s/2m
    40 1  shoes of the monarchy (glow)  +1hit +2dam +5mana +10hp
    *** Light Source ***

    0  0  bright ball of light          nothing
    0  1  long, black stick             nothing
    0  1  small stick                   nothing
    0  20 pewter candlestick            nothing
    0  30 smooth quartz ball            nothing
    0  4  lava lamp (glowing)           nothing
    5  0  firefly lantern               +1hit
    5  8  rainbow staff                 +1wis
    20 1  brightly flaming stone        -2ac -2save
    20 1  rod of neutrality             +2dam anti-good anti-evil
    20 10 small hot ball of fire (glow) +10hp +20mv
    22 4  sceptere of might             +2hit +2dam anti-evil (?) (glowing)(humming)(invisible)
    39 3  radiating globe (glow)(hum)   +3hit +10hp +10mana
    *** Held ***

    0  1  glass trinket                 -1save
    0  1  mud school diploma            +1wis +1con
    0  1  silver stirring spoon         -1save
    3  2  leafy pad                     +1save +10mv 2p/2b/2s/0m
    3  4  furry brown claws             +1dam -20mana 3p/3b/3s/0m
    5  0  tiger jewel                   +1dex
    10 2  feline shaped ornament        +1hit +1dam evil (is a staff/wand?)
    14 9  ankh                          +1int +1wis -3ac anti-evil bless
    15 0  red-eyed jewel                +2int
    20 5  ward minor (glowing)          -5ac
    40 6  ward major (glowing)          -2save -10ac
    *** MAGIC ITEMS ***
    *** Scrolls ***

    0  2  old scroll                    create food(10)
    0  5  manual of the healing arts    cure light(30)
    2  1  scroll titled 'jhyfrdow'      protection evil(18)
    7  1  scroll with githyanki writing lightning bolt/lightning bolt(24)
    8  0  crinkly scroll (glowing)      invisibility(5)
    8  15 scroll of enchantment         enchant weapon(30)
    8  15 tattered scroll               enchant weapon(24)
    8  5  scroll written on blue paper  enchant weapon(35)
    8  5  tightly rolled scroll         col spray/cre food/mag mis
    8  ?  blue scroll                   enchant weapon(35)
    10 1  grand grimoire                detect magic/detect invisible(10)
    11 5  scroll                        (could be anything)
    11 7  encrypted scroll              cure blind/rem cur/cure poi(22)
    12 1  runed scroll                  armor/protection evil/shield(30)
    12 15 black tablet                  summon/charm person(30) evil
    12 5  ancient ill. parchment (glow) blindness/curse/poison(5) nodrop
    15 1  template scroll               blindness/sleep/fireball(15)
    20 1  manual of armour              enchant armor(40)
    24 3  bound scroll                  -6ac armor/teleport/protection evil
    ?  ?  scroll which reads "ysafg"    identify(10)
    *** Pills ***

    0  1  magic dust                    detect invisible(20)
    0  1  orangish herbs                cure light(5)
    0  1  purplish herbs                change sex(15)
    0  1  reddish herbs                 detect magic(15)
    1  1  bluish herbs                  bless(15)
    5  1  grayish herbs                 giant strength/poison(5)
    5  2  sparkling dust                sleep(20) (?)
    6  1  kiwi                          cure poison(24)
    6  1  pinkish herbs                 cure poison(5)
    13 1  big ass ham (tm)              cure poison/heal(20)
    13 1  stooky gland                  cure poison/heal(20)
    14 1  antacid pill                  pass door/refresh(54)
    20 0  tea leaves                    cure critical/remove curse(12) (?)
    35 0  chocolate covered...          withstand death(40)
    ?  ?  birth control pills           change sex(20)
    *** Potions ***

    0  1  amber potion                  cure light/armor(5)
    0  1  bottle of snapple             heal(20)
    0  1  cure blindness                cure blindness(13)
    0  1  monkey mocha                  heal/haste(20)
    0  1  moose juice                   heal/refresh(10)
    0  ?  effervescent potion           true sight
    0  ?  yellow potion                 detect invisible(12)
    1  2  silvery-colored potion        det invisible/det magic/det poison(20)
    3  2  magenta potion (from harpy)   armor/cure light/poison(8)
    3  5  embalming fluid               poison(5)
    5  1  black potion                  cure critical(9)
    5  1  dark red potion               cure blind/cure critical(9)
    5  ?  bright red potion             cure critical
    5  ?  green potion                  blind/teleport/cure blind
    6  1  potion                        (could be anything)
    7  1  magenta potion (from ?)       cure crit/protect evil(30) nodrop
    7  22 bloody potion                 cure blind/cure crit/giant str(15)
    9  1  cyan potion                   blindnesss/harm(30)
    10 2  blue potion                   cure poison/cure crit/cure crit(15)
    11 1  ambrosia (invisible)          dispel evil/heal(30) anti-evil
    12 1  deep-green potion             stone skin/blindness(10)
    12 1  misty potion                  passdoor/faerie fire(10)
    13 6  pink potion (from sand worm)  heal/remove curse(25)
    16 1  potion of divine...(glw)(hum) sanctuary/stone skin/armor(35) bless
    17 ?  milky white potion            recall
    30 1  gypsy tea                     shield(20)
    ?  ?  murky green potion            cure critical
    ?  ?  pink potion (from papa smurf) ?
    ?  ?  purple potion                 sanctuary
    *** Staff ***

    6  6  burnt staff                   blindness(20)
    7  50 golden harp                   -2dex call lightning(18)
    7  7  e. rod of earthquake (glow)   earthquake(7)
    8  4  small figurine                cure ser(21)
    9  1  silver flute (glowing)        charm person(17)
    9  10 mandolin                      cure crit(13)
    9  5  black staff                   teleport(18)
    12 12 ancient vsl of aquarius(glow) create spring(10) anti-evil
    14 20 skull of the draco (humming)  call lightning nodrop
    14 25 black staff (glowing)         energy drain(30) anti-good
    14 5  silver staff (glowing)        farie fog(25)
    15 10 auburn orb (humming)          charm person(10)
    15 5  staff of the dragon (glowing) call lightning(25)
    15 8  red and white staff           heal(20)
    16 2  siren song (humming)          energy drain(35)
    16 7  e. wand of fire (glowing)     fireball(15)
    17 30 golden dragon orb             +1int +2wis heal(14)
    17 7  rivet gun                     general purpose(46)
    21 5  red dragonorb                 +2int +2wis sanctuary(13)
    25 1  golden flute (glowing)(invis) charm person(30)
    27 7  e. wand of wind & air (glow)  gas breath(11)
    29 5  muddy titanium ring           -1str +2dam word of recall(20) nopurge
    35 2  violin                        -1int +1wis cure disease(40) nolocate
    ?  ?  e. wand of lightning (glow)   lightning bolt(9)
    *** Wand ***

    1  5  horn of life                  cure light(30)
    2  8  platinum wand (humming)       magic missile(30)
    3  2  small wand                    burning hands(5)
    4  3  figurine of blue dragon (glw) faerie fire(54)
    7  4  wooden stick                  bless(20)
    8  1  mirror                        blindness(20)
    9  4  ashen wand                    cause crit(20) anti-good=7F
    9  ?  silvery blue wand             lightning bolt(10)
    10 3  figurine of black dragon(glw) weaken(54)=7F
    11 4  black rod                     dispel evil(20)
    11 7  arrow of sagittarius          lightning bolt(10)
    12 1  spray paint can               colour spray(11)
    12 4  prism wand (glowing)          colour spray(11)
    13 1  grey-silver wand (glowing)    call lightning(15)
    13 2  lodestone                     -2str harm(19)
    14 4  blackened wand                fireball(17)
    14 5  golden wand (glowing)         dispel magic(25)
    14 5  metal wand                    energy drain(20)
    15 1  mr. freeze                    cryo-genesis(20)
    16 2  geiger counter (glowing)      +1con remove curse(52)
    17 2  spit gun                      general purpose(20)
    18 3  figurine of red dragon (glow) mass invisibility(54)
    20 3  wand of salk                  cure disease(30)
    23 3  figurine of white dragon(glw) acid blast(54)
    25 7  ice staff (glowing)           frost breath(12)
    25 ?  ice staff                     +1wis -1ac ice breath(12)
    27 2  lawgiver                      high explosive(30)
    30 1  eye of vortax                 ray of truth(30)
    31 3  figurine of green dragon(glw) gas breath(54)
    35 0  deck of tarot cards           sanctuary(35)
    35 1  hand puppet                   animate dead(40)
    40 1  voodoo chicken claw foot      summon dead(30)
    ?  ?  nightmare                     teleport(54)
    *** CONTAINERS ***
    0  1  bag                           cap:50#  max w:5#
    0  1  box                           cap:10#  max w:5#
    0  1  long cylindrical tube         cap:100# max w:2#  w mult 90% closeable burn-proof
    0  2  jeweled scabbard              cap:20#  max w:20# w mult --%
    0  2  leather pouch                 cap:150# max w:5#  w mult 20% burn-prf
    0  29 mummied head of jubal         cap:3#   max w:3#  w mult --% closeable
    0  3  multi-colored key ring        cap:10#  max w:2#  w mult --%
    0  4  holstered belt                cap:20#  max w:4#  w mult 100%
    0  5  belt pouch                    cap:25#  max w:5# w mult ?%
    0  5  girdle of many pouches        cap:500# max w:10# w mult 25% burn-proof    0  5  wicker basket                 cap:90#  max w:20#
    0  9  leather backpack              cap:750# max w:50# w mult 50% burn-prf
    14 0  cloak of hoarding             cap:400# max w:50# w mult 25% -4ac -1dex burn-proof
    22 7  white robe                    cap:50#  max w:10# w mult 75% anti-evil anti-neutral burn-proof (also clothing -5ac -2save)
    22 8  black robe                    cap:50#  max w:10# w mult 75% anti-good anti-neutral burn-proof (also clothing -5ac -2save)
    26 8  grey robe                     cap:50#  max w:10# w mult 75% anti-good anti-evil burn-proof (also clothing -6ac -2save)
    *** GEMS ***
    0  ?  garnet                        value ? silver
    0  0  ruby                          value 5000 silver
    0  0  emerald                       value 0 sell_extract (???)
    *** WARP STONES ***
    0  0  beautiful white pearl         no_locate
    0  0  fiery green emerald           no_locate
    0  1  fiery opal                    no_locate
    0  1  hellstone                     value 10000 evil no_locate
    0  0  moonstone                     no_locate
    0  1  pearl                         no_locate
    20 2  blood red stone (humming)     +20hp no_locate
    *** MISC ***
    0  2  bat wings                     trash
    0  1  brand-spanking new jimmy hat  trash (is box of condoms) no_locate
    0  32 canoe                         boat
    0  0  chn of andromeda(glow)(invis) trash (value 0)
    0  1  chunk of coal                 trash
    0  4  druish staff                  trash
    0  0  emerald eyes                  treasure (value 2000)
    0  ?  engraved ebony seal           key to desk of mayor of thalos
    0  1  eyeball                       trash
    0  5  gold nugget                   treasure (value 0)
    0  ?  ivory seal                    key (cabinet in Thalos)
    0  ?  kanokee, bottle of            inebriate (is a ?)
    0  1  mirrored key                  key
    0  2  pair of fea. earrings (glow)  jewelry (value 500)
    0  75 raft                          boat
    0  8  red rose                      hat
    0  12 rope                          furniture (value 20)
    0  24 skiff                         boat
    0  1  small dusk of poison ivy      food (poison)
    0  9  some peanuts                  food
    0  6  stakes                        trash (value 20)
    0  100wheel barrow                  boat
    0  ?  chain shackles                nodrop -82mana -100mv
    ?  ?  demon-faced talisman          nodrop -8str -10dex
    37 1  bone fragment                 nodrop -3hit -3dam -10mana -10hp +5ac

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