Archmage - Elven Dictionary

"Ah" = In Savah, Leetah, Toorah, Ahdri, etc. Common among the Sun Folk,
and so far only among the women.
The Pinis have said that "ah" means "light" in a feminine sense, so that
"Leetah" means "Healing light." "Savah" would be "the light (or "illumi-
nation") that comes from wisdom, or from memory. We don't know enough
about Toorah's role to guess what she could be.
'Ah' also seems to indicate a beneficent power; Leetah could have her
name as some sort of hommage to Toorah (and/or Savah).
"Dak" = probably "wings" or "flight," so that "Tyldak" might be
"gift of wings" or "gift of flight." On the other hand, Tyldak probably had
his name before he got his wings, and the compound word doesn't quite
work: it should break Ty-ldak, just as Redlance's daughter is Ty-leet.
[the L could be added to make things more pronouncable; this assimilation
effect is common in Greek and Latin, although usually with vowels
- Archmage]
"Dri" = as in "Ahdri." Perhaps "faithfulness"?
"Ek" = "Rock" (this one we've been given by the Pinis) as in Rayek (aka "Child
of˙the Rocks"), Ek-uar, Os-ek, M-ek-da, Yur-ek, etc. "Ahdri" does not,
but EK may be masculine. [also, Ahdri had her name long before her rock-
shaping powers became apparent, which wasn't before GN #8 - Archmage]
(Speculation is that the surviving male Door's truename also has "ek" in
"Leet" = "Healer" or "Healing", as in "Tyleet" ("Healer's Gift"), and of course
Leetah (Healing Light).
"Ray" = "Child" as in Rayek ("Child of the Rocks." Or Stone Lad, the LSH
Substitute Hero.) (by elimination, since we know Ek" is "Rock," and
Rayek is "Child of the Rocks").
"Ree" = meaning unclear, but very common among the Gliders, esp. the Chosen
Eight. All of the Chosen Eight we know of had that in their names. Reevol,
Kureel [although Reel and Ree may be different words], Aroree, etc., plus
another important example: Dewshine, aka Lree!! Could her soul name have
prophesied her future Recognition all along?
There has been a lot of speculation on what *ree* stands for: suggestions
include *bird*, possibly *song* (or something related to the sound the bond
birds make), or *eight* (as in the Chosen Eight).
Another suggestion: "light" (as in weight) or "delicate". There is
a certain quality of combined fragility and strength which Dewshine
shares with many of the Chosen Eight, and Nonna and Adar call the elves "bird
bones." This may be a word that embodies that quality (something
along the lines of "sapling", used metaphorically).
Yet another suggestion is that it denotes the rank of "Chosen"
"Sav" = Possibly "Memory, making "Savah" "The Light of Memory," or the
"Illumination of Memory. [related to the French word for knowing,
savoir - Archmage]
"Shen" = Very common among the Sun Villagers (Shenshen, Ahnshen,
Shushen). Possibly "sun" or "brightness" making Shenshen "sunny sun," or
"very bright," or something equally super-bubbly.
"Tyl" = "Gift" as in Tyleet ("Healer's Gift") and "Tyldak" (whose wings were a
"gift" from Winnowill). On the other hand, Tyldak probably had his name before
he had his wings.
"Wyl" = obviously "flat butt."
"Yur" = Love/Lover. ("Yurek" = "lover of rocks")
Real Life Origins:
Lord Voll: comes from the Roman languages, where the root word "vol"
means flight. Richard added the extra "L" because "voll" just looks so much
more appealing. [interestingly, 'vol' is the Dutch word for 'full'
- Archmage]
Tyldak: related to the word "pterodactyl," the giant prehistoric flying
dinosaur. "Dactyl" means "finger" in Greek; Richard simply reversed the two
syllables to create the name.
Compiled by Layla Voll

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